Front cover: Char Davies, conceptual schematic of Ephémère on blackboard (appr. 5ft x 12ft), UC Berkeley lecture, 2000 (© Char Davies)
Ephémère is an immersive virtual environment created by the artist in 1998.
Special Thanks
Tanya Das Neves
Theresa diPierno Dorey
Joshua Long
Jane Prophet
Shirley Shor

Back cover: Char Davies, "Seeds", digital frame captured in real time through HMD (head-mounted display) during live performance of immersive virtual environment Ephémère, 1998. (© Char Davies)
Ephémère is an immersive virtual environment created by the artist in 1998.
This article may include minor changes from the original publication in order to improve legibility and layout consistency within the Immersence Website. † Significant changes from the original text have been indicated in red square brackets.
Online: October 2017. Last verified: October 25, 2017.