• 収録作家 • 目次 - Contents
ビクターIアセべド | ACEVEDO, Victor |
雨宮由里子 | AMEMIYA, Yuriko |
安斎利洋 | ANZAI, Toshihiro |
青木研 | AOKI, Ken |
キアラ•ボエリ | BOERI, Cltiara |
長幾朗 | CHOH, Ikuro |
チヤールズ’八’スーリ | CSURI, Charles. A |
八ロルド •コーエン | COHEN, Harold |
駄を寛 | DAVA, Kan |
チヤ一•デイビス | DAVIES, Char |
出渕亮一朗 | DEBUCHI, Ryoichiro |
デビッド •ェ厶 | EM, David |
福間晴耕 | FUKUMA, Seiko |
五上芳雄 | GONOKAMI, Yoshio |
エイプリル‘グレイマン | GREIMAN, April |
長谷川博一 | HASEGAWA, Hirokazu |
和佳 •ミヨフ •橋本 | HASHIMOTO, Waka Mioch |
パメラ •ホッブス | HOBBS, Pamela |
飯盛雅子 | IIMORI, Masako |
稲蔭正彦 | INAKAGE, Masa |
池上孝子 | IKEGAMI, Takako |
稲見薫 | INAMI, Kaoru |
川口吾妻 松本明彦 | KAWAGUCHI, Azuma MATSUMOTO, Akihiko |
川口吾妻 | KAWAGUCHI, Azuma |
木村卓 | KIMURA, Taku |
木下仰 | KINOSHITA, Aogu |
喜多見康 | KITAMI, Yasushi |
棚沢順 | KURUMISAWA, Jun |
ウイリアム‘レイサム | LATHAM, William |
松林勉 | MATSUBATASHI, Tsutomu |
門谷和泉 | MONTANI, Izumi |
森田彗 | MORITA, Sui |
長続重敏 | NAGATSUGU, Shigetoshi |
中川佳子 | NAKAGAWA, Yoshiko |
中村理恵子 | NAKAMURA. Rieko |
中ザワヒデキ | NAKAZAWA, Hideki |
中澤愛美 | NAKAZAWA. Manami |
岡部夕力ノブ | OKABE, Takanobu |
榊原幹典 | SAKAKIBARA, Motonori |
佐藤篤司 | SATO, Atsushi |
パスカル,シユミツ卜 | SCHMITT, Pascal |
ギビツド.シヤーウイン | SHERWIN, David |
柴山信宏 | SHIBAYAMA, Nobuhiro |
須藤牧人 | SUDO, Makito |
杉山誠 | SUGIYAMA, Makoto |
滝谷真樹 | TAKIYA, Maki |
たむらしげる | TAMURA, Shigeru |
寺門孝之 | TERAKADO, Takayuki |
手塚理 | TEZUKA, Osamu |
稲蔭正彦 |
TOKUNO, Izumi |
土佐尚子 | TOSA, Naoko |
梅村高 | UMEMURA, Takashi |
ジェイカブ,ウェジヤー卜 | WEJCHERT, Jakub |
横井由美子 | YOKOI, Yumiko |
横山弥生 | YOKOYAMA, Yayoi |
吉田たかはる | YOSHIDA, Takaharu |
吉本聖志 | YOSHIMOTO, Seiji |
Foreword (Japanese version below)
Computer Graphics today is no longer a unique part in the eye-opening renditions of TV commercials or program titles. It now blends in the visual media noticeably or unnoticeably and is watched by the audience in their living rooms. The characteristics associated with Computer Graphics such as metallic glaze or over-emphasized stereoscopic effects are now CG traits of the past.
The trend of this natural-looking Computer Graphics is closely related with the recent remarkable advances in easy-to-use personal computers as well as the improved qualities of graphics software. With this as a background, a computer is now becoming a handy drawing tool replacing the old paints and brushes and, therefore, there is a sharp increase in the number of artists who find the outlet of their expressions in the computer-created graphics. As the number of Computer Graphics artists increases along with the number of chances of presenting their works to the audience, the Computer Graphics will surely grow into another new dimension of its development. At the same time, genuine worth will be measured of the artists’ works, and their talents, skills and sensitivity will be tested, since Computer Graphics is no longer conceived as a novelty genre of arts.
Despite such remarkable developments in the Computer Graphics, there are still far less chances that art works created using computers are exhibited. It is in this situation that artists-pursuing the possibilities of Computer Graphics as art and wishing for more chances for their works to be appreciated by the people-get together with those who want to support such artists. Thus, Digital Image Development Organization has been organized. In 1991, we held exhibitions eight times starting at the Ginza Washington Art. We had many visitors to these exhibitions. The total of 33 artists presented their works in the exhibitions. In the exhibitions, we also had a chance that the 65 graphics works were recorded as the High-Definition TV images. We believe this event is really a new big step forward for the Computer Graphics.
In our appreciation of the cooperation given to us from many corporation and individuals, we would like to develop our activities in the support of Computer Graphics artists and their stages of artistic activities.
Tomoyuki Nagata
Digital Image
CGはテレビコマーシャルや番組夕イ卜ルを通じてお茶の間に 入り込み,一般の人々の目(こ多く触れるようになりました。しかし, それらのCGから連想されるCGらしさ一一金属質の輝きや強調 された立体感一一は,いまや過去のものになりつつあります。パソ コンの使い勝手とソフ卜の質がよくなり,コンピュー夕が絵の具や 絵筆の一種として手軽に使えるようになったことで,CGを使った 表現を試みるアーティス卜が急増しているからです。CGを制作す る人の数が増え作品発表の場が多くもてれば,アー卜としてのCG は急速に成長するでしよう。同時に,03の物珍しさが意識されな くなったことでアーティス卜の技量と感性そのものが純粋に評価さ れてくると思われます。
しかしながら,コンピュータを用いたア—卜が展示される場はま だまだ多くありません。08がアー卜として持つ可能性を追及し, 一般の人々にもぜひ見ていただきたいと思っていたアーティス卜と それを応援したいといつ人が集まって丁ィジタル’イメ一ジ開発機 構がうまれました。1991展は,銀座ワシン卜ン.ア一卜をかわきり に8回開催され,多くの来場者をお迎えしました。また,33名のア 一ティス卜が参加し65のCG作品を八イビジョンの映像として収 録する機会にも恵まれました。大きな第一歩を踏み出したと言えま しよろ。
多くの企業や個人の方々のこ'協力に感謝しつつ,増え続けるメン パ一たちの横の繫がりと和を基調に,これからも様々な作品の発表 を幅広く応援していきたいと思っています。
Char Davies チヤ一 • デイビス
This article may include minor changes from the original publication in order to improve legibility and layout consistency within the Immersence Website. † Significant changes from the original text have been indicated in red square brackets.